WordEasy WSL

WordEasy WSL

Automates the installation of the packages required for WordPress on WSL to work.

In addition to this it facilitates the creation and removal of websites by running simple commands.


  • Nginx
  • MariaDB
  • PHP 7.4
  • WP-CLI
  • ZIP


User’s guide


  • Download the repository in $HOME (/home/user/).
  • Run the install.sh script.
sh install.sh

If you want to open your database in software such as DBeaver, do not disable remote root login in the MariaDB options.

  • Run the processes.sh script option 4 and verify the status of the services.
sh processes.sh
  • Run the create.sh script and then type the name of the web site.
sh create.sh
sh delete.sh


To create a new site run the following command:

sh create.sh

Type the name of the new site.

Important: The new site must have a top-level domain (TLD).

Example: example.com, where .com is the (TLD)


To export a WordPress site run the command:

sh export.sh

Type the name of the site you want to export.

This will generate a zip file containing the wp-content and the database sql file.

Note: It goes without saying that the site must be previously created.


Importing a WordPress site requires the zip file to be located in the root of the site ‘/var/www/example.com/’.

Run de command:

sh import.sh

Type the name of the site where you want to import your zip file and then type the name of the zip file to import.

Note: It goes without saying that the site must be previously created.


To delete a site run the following command:

sh delete.sh

Type the name of the site you want to delete.



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